For all the best mums in the world ❤️

I´ve been unbelievably lucky with my mum. Many of you have met her. You´ve experienced her friendly smile, calm unstressed manner, and exceptional warmth. Growing up she always believed and trusted that my brother and I would make the right choices. We never heard an “I told you so” when we didn´t. And we often did not!

She devoted her time to helping me start Susan Fosse. Skillfully and patiently sewing together the sweaters that I had knitted, perfectly finishing every garment. For two decades my mum has helped me sell our products from Bergen Market and in our shop at Bryggen. She´s loved meeting you all, working outside in all sorts of weather conditions on The Market. Hanging on to the stand for dear life in extreme wind. Always with a smile.

Her love and interest in people and the time she is willing to give to others has always impressed me. She has all the time in the world to listen to people and help where she can. I love her attention to enjoying the moment and not rush on to deal with the next pressing thing.

However, I know at times I take her for granted. I forget to stop and listen to her and to consider her needs. We need to take care of our mums. We need to cherish our time with them – to feel their care and warmth.

Thanks mum! ❤️

Love Susan


Whether your mum is a Style Icon, Super Active, a wonderful Home Maker or simply the best mum in the world, I´d like to give a shout out to my mum and yours with some ideas on what to give your special mum. 

Your mum, the style icon
This is a selection of our most elegant garments with gorgeous patterned knitted fabrics, to keep every mum stylish and warm. Accessorise with our beautiful soft wool and silk scarves. Their luxurious quality will enhance any outfit. Whether you choose the cheerful colours of the Bryggen design or the natural, subdued tones of the Glacier design, these scarves will make every mum feel special. 


Your active mum
Is your mum always out and about? Do you find it hard to keep track of where shes´s been or where she´s going? Well, maybe she needs some of these sporty designs for her upcoming ventures. Our headbands and fingerless mittens will keep her warm and able to dance on top of mountains.! While our lightweight buffs are great to have to hand if the weather turns.


Your creative mum
Does your mum effortlessly make home the most wonderful place to be? It smells like heaven when she makes your favourite dish. She is always up to something and loves creating. Maybe she´d like a new knitting project? Or if she likes to glitz and blitz her already perfect home, you might want to check our Images of Norway collection. 

Best wishes to all the wonderful mums around the world! 


Susan and The Team