How to fix a pulled thread

Norwegian knitwear designs are based on a knitting pattern created by knitting at least two different coloured yarns across each row of plain knitting. This creates the pattern on the front of the knitting structure while the thread of the colour not used in a stitch is carried along the row on the back of the knitting. Patterns are created by knitting the different coloured yarns following the pattern on a graph. The more stitches knitted in sequence together in one colour, the longer the loop will be at the back of the knitting.

The fabric created by this knitting technique gives the possibility to create a wonderful geometric pattern on the front of the fabric while hiding the carried threads at the back. If you are unlucky enough to catch one of the loops on the back of the fabric on a watch or ring or on a shirt button, one of the coloured stitches will then disappear from the front of the fabric creating a large loop at the back.

Do not despair if this happens, with a little practice, this is easily fixed. Think of the structure of a knitted fabric. It is made up of long threads of yarn, knitted together in a regular tension to form the small heart shaped stitches on the front. If one of these heart shaped stitches disappears from the front it is because the loop on the back is too large. If several stitches have disappeared the loop on the back is larger still.

All you have to do to fix this, is to look at the pattern and see which stitches are missing on the front and then with a blunt needle, starting with the first stitch that has disappeared and where the large loop is at the back, gradually ease the stitches back into shape along the front by pulling the loop through to the front of the fabric and reforming the stitches along the row.

Never break the yarn, the yarn is a continuous thread which needs to be just as long as it is when the stitches that have been pulled are given back their right shape again. Take your time and be patient, gradually easing the thread back into where it should be. Good luck!


Susan shows how to fix a pulled thread: 



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